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perfect place to stay!
THE 1O1 Bali Oasis Sanur
Start from
IDR 1,626,291
THE 1O1 Yogyakarta Tugu
Start from
IDR 1,010,565
THE 1O1 Bogor Suryakancana
Start from
IDR 938,600
THE HAVEN Bali Seminyak
Start from
IDR 835,171
THE 1O1 Jakarta Sedayu Darmawangsa
Start from
IDR 750,844
THE 1O1 Jakarta Airport CBC
Start from
IDR 746,170
THE 1O1 Bandung Dago
Start from
IDR 624,805
1O1 STYLE Yogyakarta Malioboro
Start from
IDR 598,734
THE 1O1 Palembang Rajawali
Start from
IDR 593,340
FRii Resort Gili Trawangan
Start from
IDR 583,451
THE 1O1 Malang OJ
Start from
IDR 565,471
THE 1O1 Bali Fontana Seminyak
Start from
IDR 539,400
1O1 URBAN Jakarta Pemuda
Start from
IDR 457,591
FRii Bali Echo Beach
Start from
IDR 457,141
1O1 URBAN Jakarta Kelapa Gading
Start from
IDR 367,691
1O1 URBAN Jakarta Thamrin
Start from
IDR 360,000
Our Brands
Experience the perfect blend of natural beauty and refined elegance. Our brand is built on the principles of serenity, intimacy, warmth, and discretion, providing guests with a truly unforgettable stay.
THE 1O1 is a pioneering lifestyle brand that appeals to dynamic, young-at-heart travelers who crave the excitement of new experiences.
The ultimate destination for those seeking an urban lifestyle experience. Our hotel brand embodies the spirit of the modern city, offering a dynamic and contemporary design that is perfectly in tune with the pulse of the metropolis.
Effortless local sincerity meets practical quality in our 1O1 URBAN select service hotel brand. Designed for modern travelers who want a vibrant social scene in a comfortable and welcoming environment.
At FRii Hotels, we aim to be the ultimate home that understands you, no matter where you are. Our hotels are crossroads for people of all ages and cultures, offering a warm and inviting environment where you can feel right at home.